Carbohydrates are organic, multifunctional, and stereochemically rich molecules, playing important roles in biological processes relevant for health and disease. Embodying such structural features, these unique molecular entities can be transformed in a diversity of compounds applied as drugs, food supplements, as biologically active materials, in cosmetics, just to name a few of the wide uses… Continue reading Carbohydrates are organic, multifunctional, and stereochemically rich molecules, playing important roles in biological processes relevant for health and disease
Category: cAMP
Supplementary MaterialsSupporting Info
Supplementary MaterialsSupporting Info. infections, respiratory tract infections (RTIs), urinary tract infections (UTIs), skin infections, and eye infections. Prominent in burn units, is of particular concern in wound healing1C3 because it produces biofilms that are impenetrable to antibiotics, leading to chronic infections.4C6 Biofilms sequester bacterial pathogens and protect them from antimicrobial attack. They are associated with… Continue reading Supplementary MaterialsSupporting Info